Monday, July 17, 2017

CRISIS: Special Security Squad(CRISIS 公安機動捜査隊特捜班) Japanese Drama Thoughts(2017)

   Crisis was a drama that I wanted to see really bad as soon as I saw that Oguri Shun and Nishjima Hidetoshi were casted in this drama together. The plot doesn't waste anytime stalling to fill up time in an underdeveloped script.  Each episode is to the point. This could be a problem from some viewers that need to see the characters being developed on screen but I felt that you could feel the history that the characters in the Security Squad had because of their chemistry with each other. The plot deals heavily with the idea of a corrupt Japanese government in addition to the terrorists that try to bring harm to Japan. In reality, these terrorists were born out of the injustice of the corrupt Japanese Government. Crisis's episodes tell different stories about the different people that threaten to change Japan from corruption. A good half of the show makes you think that the squad is stopping these people because their crazy until you start hearing their reasons for their actions. Bombs fly a lot in this drama like the terrorists are playing catch with the damn things too. The Special Security Squad was always there to catch them though… I mean that literally….. Don't worry about being bored action fans. There's enough fighting scenes that were realistically done just for you. Also, some romantic relationships are made time for in the script too. Humanity is the biggest vocal point in the show over all and you will really be upset at the way that society is being fooled by the government. Crisis ends in an open ended sort of matter that is left up to the individual to decide if they like what they saw or not. I could take the ending either way. Creators could make a season 2 or leave the ending up to viewer's imaginations. Crisis makes for a fun watch either way.

   Episode eight was the episode that really stood out to me by the way that scenes were shot. Most notably, the fighting scene during the episode when the two main characters are fighting in a terrorist's hideout. The camera used looked like a normal hand camcorder based on the shakiness of the frame and the quick way it followed the actors as they moved around. I liked how the camera followed closely behind them then moved around them to get a different shot. Not a lot of jump cut editing was done for this particular fighting scene. Besides that, the cameraman films many of the shots like the viewer is a second person in the room, watching everything unfold from a hidden place.

   Hidetoshi and Shun work well together while in character despite their characters having slightly different personalities. One character has a cool collected persona while the other is outgoing and hot around the collar. I was a fan of their chemistry together even though the drama doesn't give enough time to mold their relationship. Acting chops are required more in this situation in-order to make the connection the two characters had seem genuine given only what little screen time they had to do so.(Solving cases is NOT bonding time.) Same situation goes for the whole squad team. Viewers are led into believing that these characters have been working together for a while since they socialize with one another in a joyful  manner. They also never let one team member face a problem alone. Each member was always by each other's side through thick and thin. The whole cast down to the costars executed  their acting in a raw manner that hits a dark place in any caring human heart. I will never forget how Hidetoshi and Shun's characters always whipped out their combat batons at the same time in unison.[INSERT ME LAUGHING]

  Written by Kaneshiro Kazuki and directed by Suzuki Kosuke, CRISIS: Special Security Squad is a fun drama that will pass by in the blink of an eye. Its pretty straightforward drama that can be watched all in one day if you don't have anything else to do. You won't be bored that whole day, thats for sure.

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