Tuesday, July 25, 2017

A Man and A Woman(남과 여) Korean Film Thoughts(2016)

   A Korean man and a Korean women meet in a foreign country. They originally are their to get help for their children mental problems but meet each other on a snowy morning as their children are sent away to a counseling camp. A relationship forms between the two even though both of them are married with children.

  This film was the most interesting during its first ark to me. The settledness of the acting and story flow were calming somehow. It was interesting seeing two people meet but not know anything about each other in a foreign country. They traveled with each other for a little while too. A Man and A women uses the idea of love blossoming in the most unusual places. Nothing couldn't be more true because you can't help who you fall in love with. You can however create a situation that is healthy for that love. This is where the film falls flat for me. Some of the good is that the daring cheating relationship they had was thrilling until you get tired of seeing them sneak around. Both parties don't come from loving marriages so I understood why it was easy for them to find love else where. Just  don't keep having the cheating relationship to the point that it's hurting yourself though. A divorce would have been the best option on both ends. Certain problems such as their children mental health does cause the two characters to hesitate being together officially but I would rather them be happy than to be miserable to keep their family together. Instead of the film going toward a more daring direction, the scriptwriter decides to marinate the story progression into the same old melodramatic outcome you see in every other Korean film. The way the film ended ruined what I did love about the film in the beginning. Well, besides the scenery and the sex scenes. I also had a little bit of problems with the sex scenes.

  The scenes shot in Finland were so unbelievably beautiful with the snowy forest stretching into open fields that seemed endless. These landscapes really contain an essence that feels unable to be disturbed. It was similar to being in another world where only those two characters existed. Perfect place to fall in love in fact. I enjoyed seeing the film being shot in Finland just because it was something different. Also, the scenery worked well with what was taking place in the story. Next we have the sex scenes that are  kind of graphic. Not too bad on the nudity unless you want to count butt shots. My problem with these scenes is that they came off as awkward even in the actors performances. Their first time having sex together is understandable but after then it was like they were rushing to get to the finish line. Where's the passion in that? Maybe the rushing came from fear that what they were doing was wrong. Viewers get to see shots of the more upscale parts of Seoul as well. Nothing that normal watchers of K cinema haven't seen before. Finland is shown one last time during the film for those closing melodramatic scenes. I was SO happy that the main character didn't chase after the car then fall in the snow or something like that. I would have turned off the film if that had happened.[INSERT ME LAUGHING.]

  Jeon Do Yeon and Gong Yoo act together very well here. I think thats why I loved the parts of the film when they were alone with each other verse them being in the direct interference of other characters. Their chemistry bounces off of each other as they try to sort out what these feelings really are. Gong Yoo had it pretty easy in this film thanks to Jeon Do Yeon's acting ability. She can make herself have chemistry with almost any leading actor from what I've seen in her other works. Gong Yoo is an amazing actor too but he wasn't connecting in his sex scenes like I though he would. He didn't feel emotionally there completely to me. First time for everything right? At least he was brave enough to take on a role that steps out of his comfort zone. [CLAPS HANDS!] The costars needed more to do in the film. Gosh, things would have been way more interesting if the husband and wife had gotten involved in their forbidden relationship. Gong Yoo's character's wife was crazy as hell and I wish that there had been more character development with her character. There were so many different directions that could have been taken in order to make this film have a better lasting impression.

  A Man and A Woman was directed by Lee Yoon Ki,(My Dear Enemy) written by Shin Eun Young and stars Gong Yoo along side Jeon Do Yeon. Both Lee Yoon Ki and Gong Yoon worked together back in 2008 on the film Dear Enemy. Sadly, A Man and A Women doesn't have the central charm to grip viewers compared to My Dear Enemy. Do check out A Man and a Woman out if you want to see scenes of Finland or awkward steamy sex scenes.


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