Friday, September 15, 2017

Timmy Xu(ZZ/許魏洲) - THE TIME Album Thoughts(Mando-rock)


   I'm going to take a wild guess here and assume that Heroin aka Addicted isn't coming back for a second season. Heroin will always be dear to my heart but I'm waiting to see what Johnny and Timmy do separately in their careers. Both have stated that they are working on films. Then Timmy decides to drop a new album called The Time. Following the huge success of his first album in China,  Many fans of Addicted wasted no time flocking to his new music as well.

  The Time does musically what Timmy's first album could not. It breaks off the shackles of pretty boy ballads brought on thanks to public expectations. This couldn't be helped since the album was released right in the middle of the hype surrounding Addicted. Which was a great move for album sales actually. What bothered me was most of the ballads from Timmy's debut felt forced like a mother trying to feed a child cough medicine when they are sick. Nobody likes to take that nasty cough medicine and no singer likes singing songs that don't speak their heart. Now, Walk Slowly was the best ballad on his debut album to me even though Timmy said himself that the song was very different from the music he was used to preforming. The me in the past did blind claps for The Light mostly because I was a fan of Addicted but I didn't care for some of the tracks in reality. The Time has it's music zip in-between ballads and rock&roll to find a safe place to manifest itself. There's only three tacks for now, as each track shows the next step in Timmy's musical career. I wasn't going to be too surprised if he fell into mediocracy after Addicted got banned for good. Timmy instead took the time to grow as a musician for his fans. I felt that I was listening to a stronger version of Timmy that has something more to bring to the table. Something more to prove to everyone out there. Tracks begin utilizing acoustic rawness of guitars leading into violins played in rhythm with gentle sounding piano. About two of the tracks could qualify as ballads but Timmy chooses to up the energy by the middle of the two songs. He does this by leading in a band to make everything come out louder, maybe even more emotional than his first album. The Time ends the same way his first album did, rocking out hard!! I like when he gets to rock out freely. Creating music like this is where he belongs.

   Vocals on the The Time have seen a new approach to singing for Timmy. There's more support from backup vocalists that wasn't present on his first album. Probably because the budget was nonexistent at the time. I caught those screams that Timmy did during one of the songs too. You have to love how he looks so clean cut but is a beast when he has his hands on a guitar.

   Loved this little three track album from the first listen. It still doesn't make any sense what the Chinese government did banning Addicted like that. Gay dramas are constantly being made in the country anyway. I also call bullshit when it comes to the Government's reason for banning the drama. Kids in China will be exposed to homosexuality wether the try to control what is broadcasted or nor. Gay people are everywhere so those Government officials better catch up to the rest of the world. You don't have to agree with homosexuality. Just please don't take rights away from people who are living their lives, not bothering anyone. Clearly the drama was well received based on the huge viewership it got. That was the real issue in my opinion. The Chinese government wasn't expecting a low budget web drama to garner so much popularity. Addicted probably had more viewers than the sorry ass propaganda dramas that the government wanted to keep broadcasting. I'll always support Timmy and Johnny with or without Addicted.


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