Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Primary(프라이머리) - Shininryu(신인류) Album Thoughts(K-indie)

Track List:
01. On
02. Baby
03. 상상해
04. ~42
05. 알아
06. 오늘은 왠지
07. 밤꽃 (Night Flower)
08. 미지근해

    Primary has work with tons of artists in the span of his career. He used to mostly work with artists outside of the Idol world until recently. POP is the first album that was released by Primary this year. If you don't know, Primary is a music producer. This album(POP) hires the aid of many more mainstream idol to be featured in the tracks. I was thrown off quite a bit by this new side of Primary. Sure, I gave a couple of music videos for the album a watch but came to the conclusion of repulsiveness. The songs didn't have strength in the music like the Primary I know. So just when I was going to put Primary on the shelf as a producer never to be listened to again, Shininryu pops out on nowhere like an apology to the long time fans of his greatness.

  Shininryu as an album is what Primary's music was suppose to sound like the first time around. No people, I'm not saying that Primary can't experiment with new sounds and artists. Just don't lose what makes you a great producer in the process. POP was an album that clearly was created to get Primary a more younger following. Even thought I believe that most Korean's in their twenties know about Primary based on the artists her has worked with in the past. Fans outside of South Korea need to realize that Idol Kpop isn't the majority of what is popular among the youth in Korea. Many twenty something year olds love more indie music or Rap/Hip Hop. Primary goes into the category of RnB mixed hip hop influence. Shininryu brings Primary back to listeners while he's doing down off a energy high. He's in a chill mood that comes across in the album. Most of Primary's albums feature artists that are either well known or not as well known in the mainstream. I don't know any of the artists that are featured on this album but there's a kind of charm to that. Their followings mean nothing here. Everything is all about the music unlike on the album POP. Each track features a different singer that all try to match the chill mood Primary seemed to be in at the time of production of Shininryu. The music as a whole really felt like a garage band was making sweet tunes with no pressure. All while Primary is the man in the middle of the music controlling everything. I really enjoyed the fun, laid back feel of the album. You can find something on Shininryu for everybody if you know good music.

   Every vocalist brought their A Game during recordings. I always noticed how Primary can produce a song for a singer that fits them perfectly while also keeping the music within his realm of expertise. Many of the vocalists sound totally different from each other too. Voices range from deep and raspy, to high and, smooth as well as male and female.

   I'm so overjoyed that Primary released two different albums for different listeners tastes in his music. I almost lost interest in his music when I heard POP. There was also a release of different videos of the artists performing their songs on Youtube. I'll post the ones that were my favorites here.

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