Thursday, June 29, 2017

Tokyo Ghoul: [Void] & [Past] Novel Thoughts東京喰種トーキョーグール

   After I read the first novel titled Days, I didn't so much as think about the rest of the novels. I had read one article saying that other novels would be imported after translation but I didn't process the information. Soon more novels appeared on bookshelves like they were meant to be with the series of Tokyo Ghoul. These two segments of the novel series are still written by Shin Towada.

  Void comes with a new set of stories that take place after a certain point in the original series of Tokyo Ghoul. Void introduces new characters along side ones that should be familiar to fans of the original series. Towada does his best in making the new characters fit into this already made world of ghouls and humans. Much of the content has to do with the same idea from Days, that humans can live with Ghouls even though humans are basically food for the creatures. There's some cute stories involving this fact that are enjoyable. Readers also get to see what the main characters of the original Tokyo Ghoul was doing at the time right after the 11th ward occupation. What most of the characters were doing aren't too surprising considering the big shift in a lot of the character's personalities after this event in the main story. Reading through the pages are like a trip down memory lane if you are reading the manga or have seen the anime up to it's stop point. The novel titled Past is the actual trip down memory lane involving a lot of the main characters of Tokyo Ghoul. Each chapter tells the history of some of the well known ghoul investigators, other ghouls, and even our main character Kaneki himself. Nothing in this novel is too shocking if you know the main story because the content in the novel is referenced in Tokyo Ghoul. Reading Past is good if your a hardcore fan of the series to the point that you want to be nosy. Nosy fans have to know EVERY single detail about the characters so Past is for you. If you haven't watched the anime or read the manga yet, I suggest you do so instead of reading the novels. The novels are clearly written for fans of the series.

  These novels are cash cowing at the its best though. Same case with all the novels made for the Attack on Titan series. I recommend [Days] and [Void] because both these novels have content that is worth the price. [Past] is a waste of money with the anime being there to tell you most of the content that's in it. Most fans will probably buy all three novels just to support the series which is fine. I'm just giving you guys a heads up. Lets make [Past] the last novel, please….

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