Monday, June 12, 2017

Anly - Anly One Album Thoughts(J-rock/Pop)



  1. 太陽に笑え(Laugh in the Sun)
  2. FIRE
  3. 笑顔(Smile)
  4. この闇を照らす光のむこうに(Beyond the Light That Illuminates This Darkness)
  5. サナギ(Pupa)
  6. 傘(Umbrella)
  7. カラノココロ(From the Heart)
  8. Enjoy
  9. だから(Therefore)
  10. Lemon Tea (レモンティー)
  11. Ii no (いいの; Okay)
  12. Don't give it up!
  14. Come back

  Anly is a twenty year old singer from Okinawa, Japan. She's most well known for her song; Emergency(My Dangerous Wife J Drama opening theme song) and performing the opening theme song for the Naruto: Shippuden anime. Anly One is her first major album release after an indie album release and a string of major label singles. Its an album that has a few tracks that are my style. These tracks have an alternative rock sound that excited me from the first guitar cord.  Also there are all the singles that she released before. With Emergency being her most best selling single, I continued to listen to listen to Anly's music based on the idea that she would do more tracks like this one. Her first album doesn't completely disappoint thanks to the two tracks that open the album along with a few other acoustic tracks but it does slowly lose consistency. Pairing Don't Give It Up! and Emergency together in the album's tracklist was a good move. Only problem is the overly bubble gum cute songs that producers probably made her put on this album made me annoyed skipping them. Then BOOM, Anly One gets interesting again at the last three tracks.

   Anly has a super strong voice that will make her a star given the right songs. She has her own acoustic style that's soulful and can make camping around a fire one unforgettable experience.
When I first heard Emergency, I though to myself, "damn, she's going to be the second coming of Superfly!" Both singers have similar vocal ranges. Superfly is pretty popular still and I believe Anly can get to the same level in due time. Just need a more consistent album.

 There's some good tracks on Anly's first album that shows a promising future in music for her. I do recommend preparing to dump a good chunk of this album if your looking for a hard hitting alternative rock sound. Or you can just listen to Emergency without the full album. The choice is yours to make. I guess some Naruto fans might have listened to this album already too.

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