Friday, December 2, 2016

Dino Lee(李玉璽) - MR. Lucy Album Thoughts(Mando-Rock/Acoustic)

Track List:
01.玩具熊 (《在一起,就好》電視劇插曲)  
02.Goodbye My Lover
03.想 (《雨衣》電影插曲)
05.It's Time To Go
06.I Am Sorry
07.Good Morning
09.滿天星 (《狼王子》電視劇片尾曲|《雨衣》電影主題曲)

  It took me about two months to finally make a post about up and coming singer/actor, Dino Lee's new album titled Mr. Lucy. I never make posts about Chinese music at the time of its release( sometimes I do but yeah...) and I'm going to try to change that in the future. Watch me become like a reporter that gives you the latest updates about whats hot in east asian entertainment! Don't quote me on that. We all know this whole blog is a mess in need of saving..... A good mess in need of saving. Anyway,  Dino Lee isn't an artist that I can say I listen to a whole lot. I don't even keep up with news on him. He's done a few collaboration projects that I liked but with time he fell off my radar completely. Mr. Lucy was a like a sample item you get in a store that you pick up just because its free and available at the time. I listened to this album knowing who he was but didn't have a real desire to listen to his music.

  This post won't be too long as I will cut to the chase very quickly. The first two track of Mr. Lucy almost made me not want to listen to anymore of the album. My first thought were he was drunk while writing these two tracks or just didn't care about the quality of music he was releasing at the time. Who gave the ok to release these songs to the public sounding the way that they did? Everything about these track sounds deprived of energy. Almost like he was dying slowly as each second passed by in the duration of the tracks. If I could use an adjective to top off all the other issues I had with these two tracks, boring would be the top word. I don't stay around for boring songs either. You will see me push the forward button in a flash. I'm glad that I decided to stick around to listen to the other tracks. Dino's past music wasn't amazing but it was a leagues better that those two tracks of death. "I Am Sorry" is the ray of light in a dark place that the beginning of the album created. Its a Rock/Ballad track that showcases all of Dino's good qualities in vocals and guitar musical composition. This type of music is his calling and would have made a strong lead track but I guess Dino's record label had other plans. "Its Time To Go" was the next track thats a winner for Mr. Lucy. Toward the middle of the track, you heard Dino start to really make his guitar sing. The cords used to make the rifts are so awesome to listen to and take in. The structure of the song itself is simple to sing but Dino's voice feels at home here. A couple of other tracks are nice additions to these two but I find that Dino sounds the best when he makes simple love songs that consist of him and his guitar. Just don't get lazy with you craft. Also don't feel the need to have to change your style too quickly. There's something wonderful in the style he is already doing. Just a little bit of time to hone his craft would help greatly.

   Does Dino actually speak english on a conversational level because the songs I like by him tend to be bilingual. He writes in Mandarin and English then adds both in his songs. This process works well with the way he chooses to vocalize his lyrics. Dino can become on of those singers where the listener can hear the emotion in their vocals without paying attention to the lyrical content. He sings "I Am Sorry" like the girl is in front of him about to leave him and he's on his knees begging her to stay. Yes, my mind conveyed all of that information out of one single phrase. Its about the emotion he puts behind his vocalization. He's not the best singer in the world but you need this quality when wanting to take up the occupation of a singer. A person can be the best singer in the world but have no emotional expression. No real connection to what they are singing about which ruins the whole performance in the end. The audience actually takes cues from the singer's facial expression and vocalization of how we should feel about a song before we tune into the lyrics. I enjoy listening to Dino's singing because you can hear his passion. Vocally, His voice has a rough bite to it thats perfect for rock music or acoustic live venues. He has a sweetness in there too when being in a place of calm during his falsetto notes.

  I scrapped most of Mr Lucy except for four or five songs. I have the songs I mentioned above on repeat but Dino Lee hasn't captures my heart musically yet. Maybe you should give his music a listen. I hope you find a reason to support him.

PS: This post turned out longer than I thought.... I LIED TO YOU GUYS...... NOT SORRY.

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