Thursday, October 19, 2017

Jeong Sewoon(정세운) - EVER: 1st Mini Album Thoughts(K-music)

Track List:
01. JUST U (PROD. GroovyRoom) – 정세운, Sik-K (식케이)
02. 바다를 나는 거북이 (PROD. 이단옆차기)
03. MIRACLE (PROD. Joombas)
04. 오! 나의 여신 (PROD. 키겐, ASSBRASS) – 정세운, 광현
05. 괜찮다면 (PROD. 브라더수) – 정세운, 브라더수 (Brother Su)
06. 오해는 마 (PROD. 정세운)

  I only know Jeong Sewoon from his music. He took part in the reality show known as Kpopstar but eventually was eliminated.  Then he signed to Starship Entertainment and took part in another show called Producer 101. Only to get kicked off that show too half way into the broadcast. I say that I know this guy solely for his music because these Kpop reality music shows care more about how a person's face looks than their actually talent. Plus I honestly don't want to waste MY time watching them. Too many awesome talents get eliminated on these types of shows when they don't live up to the handsome/beauty standards according to the Korean audience watching. Of course, you realize that votes from the viewers watching are the contestant's lifeline on those damn shows. I'll admit that I like looking at a good looking face as much as the next person. I don't agree with good-looking being a requirement to being a successful Kpop singer. Korean singers should be popular without the looks standard or happen to be good looking(Those that are Kpop idols that aren't super good-looking went though hell before getting to fame.). Lets keep it real, most Kpop fans look at the outer appearance before talent in South Korea. Even I'm guilty of it when I listen to certain types of music(not a huge Kpop fan.). Jeong Sewoon decided to keep on striving whether he is handsome enough to the public or not. Ever is the solo singer's first mini album which comes in to parts. Part 2 will be released soon.

   Sewoon's title track, JUST U is the jam that makes you turn up the volume when it plays on your radio speakers. The track hooks you during the first listen by using a group vocalized chorus that was huge and impactful. You should've seen me dancing on my bed when the music video started playing on my computer.  JUST U reminded me of the music Kpop was producing back in early 2008. It was nice to hear a strong debut from a solo artist that isn't a rapper or apart of a group. He shows that he his a guitarist in his debut since most of the album is acoustic based. Except that a soulful pop is produced within that sound. Guitar isn't a stand alone musical element on Ever. Issues for me arise on the album when the same impact that JUST U made wasn't carried over to the other tracks on the album. These tracks were alright but not amazing. I felt like his music become more focused on catering to the viewers that didn't give him those few thousand votes to keep him on Produce 101. Those viewers probably bought his album, however there's so many girl pleasing songs in Kpop. Singers in South Korea should sing more about life besides just love every once and awhile. Maybe their own personal problems, you know. Things would come off as less robotic that way. JUST U's lyrics are directed toward females too. The good production of the song makes this fact not even matter though. I liked the other tracks that used a more pop guitar performance…. I did notice that the album was well produced as it used perfect musical traits that merged well with Sewoon's guitar playing. Something like that is not an easy feat to accomplish.

   I'm glad that Jeong Sewoon has a somewhat successful solo career. Prove to those who didn't vote for you because of your looks that you have talent. MAKE people look out for your talent. Artists that have true talent don't need their looks to justify their talent.



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