Monday, January 13, 2020

Savage(雪暴) Chinese Film Thoughts(2019)


    Savage is a 2018 mystery thriller that was directed by Siwei Cui( The Island, Bleeding Steel) and stars Chang Chen, Ni Ni, Gyangjie Li, Liao Fan, and Zhang Yicong. I don't know to much else about this film but I took a chance on it and here are the results….. I do know that the film was shown at various film festivals such as the Busan Film festival in 2018.

   Police men stationed at the China North Korean border get caught up in a thieves operation to transport gold across the border. One police man is killed while the other waits a year to seek his revenge. Will the white snow be stained with blood?

      Savage isn't the type of film that defines itself as different from the rest of the Chinese films out there in the mystery thriller category. The film does however point out flaws in other Police cop thrillers that could have been avoided over the years in Chinese Cinema. It doesn't try to fix what isn't broken while also adding nips and tucks here and there. Savage is a very stylishly shot film who's atmosphere draws out many emotions in the viewer. Plus the characters actually have solid back stories that make you care about them. Especially the friendship between the two cops and the girl they both loved. The villains also give you some kind of humanity that sometimes isn't well written out in other Chine film productions. Events that unfold are interesting enough to keep you wanting to know what's behind every snow covered tree or how the hell these people would risk their lives in a snow storm for some gold and revenge. You get a twist at the end that's simple yet very affective and action that doesn't feel too over the top but enough for you to enjoy. I would actually put this film on the same list as Zhang Yimou's Shadow for best Chinese films for artistic storytelling. Savage shines in places that other cop thrillers do not.

     The performances helped move the film along but didn't make or break the film for me. I enjoyed Liao Fan's portrayal of the stone cold villain who's relationship with his brother(play by Zhang Yicong) had emotional depth while at other times felt as cold as ice. I connected with their hot cold brotherhood by the end of the film though. Same sentiment goes for Chang Chen and Gyangjie Li as the two copes who were at the the wrong place at the wrong time. A huge focus is put on how tragedy  affects a person to the point that they can't move on. Greed also plays a big part of some of the characters's driving emotions. I couldn't help but feel sorry for characters on both sides of the fence though. All of the characters had their reasons for doing what they did. Even if it doesn't make some of their actions right.

    How the director decided to shoot this film was everything that Savage needed and more. Just the scenery of the snow covered landscapes were enough to to set this film in a whole league of its own. Some of the drone stops were so well done, including the actions scenes when shot from different perspectives. Seeing a dead body laying in the snow from above has some much emotion in it that scenes like these are what Savage such an artistic thriller you will never forget. Having the film as a blu-ray only release was a plus too. Blu-ray gives the film a whole new experience.

      Savage was good because it didn't try to break the mold and be this amazing film. Siwei Cui just brought to the screen what he envisioned. Nothing more, nothing less.

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