My general thoughts on movies, dramas, anime, RPG games, and music from East Asia.(Japan, South Korea, and China.(Taiwan, Hong Kong, mainland China)
Please note that this blog is not a review blog nor do I clam to be a professional. I just like talking about East Asian pop culture. My opinions are my opinions good or bad. It's no hard feelings. Feel free to comment your thoughts as well.
Youtube/Twitter/Instagram @Rico is 에리코(Erico)
Friday, July 1, 2016
[ZZ / 許魏洲/Timmy]- Light Album Thoughts (Mandopop)
You know how your mind tries to give you certain clues and you tend to ignore them. Thats what happened to me when watching the Chinese drama "Heroin". Something kept telling me that Timmy(Zhou's english name) was the guy who was singing the theme songs but I wasn't sure. Then I was watching some interviews and he picked up a guitar and just starts singing out of nowhere. The shock for me was unbelievable but that still didn't convince me that the was the original vocalist of the songs. After that, I was browsing around a Chinese music site and saw an album cover with his face on it and went "OH MY GOD, SO HE REALLY DOES SING!!!?"(mind you, he sings in the drama but it wasn't serious singing.)
01. 慢慢走(Walk Slowly) 02. 塵埃 / Chen Ai 03. 月光 (Dusk) 04. I Remember Your Eyes 05. 海若有因(If Hai Has Lin) Feat. 黃景瑜 (Johnny) 06. 明白夢想 (Understand The Dreams) Feat. Ryan / 朱元冰 07. 光 / Guang I listened to Timmy's album without knowing much about him as a musician or the style of music he performs. I'm sure a lot of people who bought this album did so because they loved the drama "Heroin" in itself like me. Because I was going into this kind of blind, I didn't have any expectations for this album. I just thought "This album will either be really bad or it will be really good." The album opens with the ending theme song to "Heroin" which made me fill up with so much emotion that I had to stop the song and take a few minutes to get myself together. The song is such a nice tender love ballad and it fits not only Tim's voice but it also helped make the drama. I can't think about Heroin without thinking about this song. They are two of a pair. The pace and build up of the composition of the song is really good too. The song starts out quiet and slow only to build up to louder drums and guitars. Other musical genres on the album mostly center around a ballad, acoustic vide. However the songs are not created to make you feel bored as with each new song the choruses either add a new flavor to the song's progress by letting the listener get the feeling of not listening to songs that sound similar to each other. "I Remember Your Eyes" is a track sung entirely in English which didn't surprise me too much as he seemed to have studied english during his years of education. The pronunciation actually wasn't bad and I could understand all the lyrics without straining my ears. The lyrics aren't very complicated to sing either and he repeats the same lyrics in a lot of the lines. The catchiness and the pop rock feel make this track flow well with the album as a whole. "If Hai Has Lin" ia the opening theme song to "Heroin" that features both lead actors singing together. When listening to this song, I can't help but imagine both of them sitting around a camp fire singing this song together while just enjoying each others company. The raw acoustic sound creates a feel of youth and beginnings. The harmony presented toward the end of the song is perfect and I hope Johnny releases some type of music. The last two tracks switch up the whole foundation of the album's flow and give the listener more of a hard rock sound. I think this will shock a lot of listeners because you expect the album to keep on its driving miss daisy straight laced road but NOPE! Timmy decides to take a detour and take the road with the sign that says "DO NOT ENTER!" "Understand The Dreams." comes blazing in strong with outspoken vocals and a rap part that will make you want to start head banging. Ryan(朱元冰) does a fantastic song blending his rap parts with Tim and topping it off with mean guitar rifts. I would love to see this song performed live! Even the final song on the album is more of a pop punk rock song. Timmy feels more at home doing this style because he sounds like he's having fun through the tone and uplift in his vocals during these two tracks. Timmy has a good voice vocally but he sounds like he strains his voice sometimes when he hits high notes. This is something that will most likely get better with more experience singing and relaxing your throat instead of reaching with your throat. I can tell he is use to singing in a lower range but the talent is there to widen his vocal range so some practice with that is suggested.( gosh i feel like a vocal coach... sorry.... lol) Vocal range wise, He sounds the best on "Walk Slowly". This album was a dead give away for all those millions of fans of "Addicted". Its not a bad thing either since the album is good. I just really want the drama to continue even though it probably won't. With that being said, I wish Timmy luck with his career and hope to see his upcoming project soon. CHECK OUT THE MV FOR WALK SLOWlY BELOW:
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