Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Jay Fung(馮允謙) - Detour(下載) Mini Album Thoughts(Cantopop)

    Jay Fung was a sudden find that came to me while searching around Youtube's results one night. I don't know much about him outside of the fact that he has a Youtube channel where he has covered many popular songs. He might have been discovered through Youtube or some singing show like most vocalist in Hong Kong. Who would have thought that Fung has been releasing music since 2012…. Maybe even before then. Him seeming like a new artist could be a good or a bad thing depending on how you decide to look at it. Detour is his newest release to date.

03.Full Moon Party  
06.尋找白金漢(合唱版) -馮允謙/黃淑蔓


    Fung introduces himself using a more visual approach. Detour literally has a music video for every track making the singer's new effort feel like a visual album that would make Beyonce proud. My opinion of most of the album became based on seeing the music videos along side the songs which isn't always a good thing. Hearing the tracks by themselves wasn't as exciting as I thought they would be. I saw that his music is lacking individuality. Fung tends to sound similar to a slew of other Cantopop singers but uneventful tracks, Finding Buckingham and Voice Navigation are Fung's best moments as they play to what the singer could be with more uniqueness in sound. Detour then takes a real detour displaying a true to form eighties soul sound thrown randomly out the hat. This is yet another musically choice that doesn't make Fung's performance sound bad however it's just not exciting enough to make listeners remember him in a gripping Cantonese pop world. After two tracks where Jay Fung boogies on down, he returns to Finding Buckingham featuring a female vocal uplifting what was already good about the track. Being apart of the crowd works for Jay only during two tracks. It's not so much that Detour is a bad album. Instead the EP shows his talent for what he could be once he finds a sound all his own.

    What is a damn shame is that Jay Fung showcases an attractive vocal performance in certain moments during Detour. One moment is toward the end of 山旮旯 when he ad libs vocal runs. Listeners need more of this side of him. Something that has Jay Fung singing bigger and catchier choruses. The vocal ability is there. If he would work on making his music stand out more, he would be a force to be reckoned with.

   I recommend people who don't know much about Cantopop to give Detour a listen. You won't notice how much Jay Fung's music sounds like a tons of other singers from Hong Kong. His older music might sound different … Not that I would know.

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