Monday, December 9, 2019

Rainie Yang(楊丞琳) - Delete Reset Grow(刪·拾以後) Album Thoughts(Mandopop)


   Rainie Yang is a women that I've gotten to know over the years through her acting. I've seen a couple of her dramas and enjoy the one's I've seen for the most part. Her singing career didn't become apparent to me until I decided to search her name up. She was in a girl group for a short time before deciding to go solo. Now she has made a long career for herself, spanning over eleven albums and multiple films. Delete Reset Grow is Yang's eleventh album that was recently released. She's also gotten the spotlight for finally getting engaged to long time boyfriend Li Ronghao.(who I'm a fan of)

1. 節日快樂
2. 刪拾
3. Love Is Love
4. 不可惜
5. 煉愛
6. 獻醜
7. 臉孔
8. 空空
9. 泥土
10. 我不認識你

    Delete Reset Grow comes after an album she released back in 2016. That album was something that I could count as good for what she was going for but it wasn't what I was looking for as a listener. I'm not sure if that makes sense but that's how I felt after listening to Delete Reset Grow. The album defiantly feels like the songs came from a pop star. Something was just missing in the execution for me though. One of the biggest things I noticed about this album was the amazingly high production value in the instrumentation. Yang set the bar really high when she created tracks like Love is Love which contain a coming of age techno pop sound ending with a bit of RnB flavor. Most of the album is classical arrangements using piano accompanying strong violin intros. These ballads that feature this dynamic emotionally enhance Yang's vocals.  Still, she doesn't mind throwing a curve ball at us every now and then with a pop anthem. Ballads are more of her forte from what I could tell from her other releases. I was looking forward to her doing more pop rock ballads similar to other Taiwanese female singers. One track gave me a little of that toward the end of Delete, however, much of the album runs together into on big overhaul of ballads that sound good in name until Yang puts her unchanging vocals on the track. At least Love is Love is a good track that came out of the creation of this album. I could see myself bumping this song for awhile.

    Rainie Yang has a pretty voice. There's no doubt about that. Her voice has a nice quality that doesn't get to see much experimentation. She sings the SAME way during most all ten tracks. Things got to the point that I could actually predict what notes she would hit when a new song would come on. Only one song really showcased her range….. One track out of ten that we are given. Yes. Rainie Yang shouldn't have to prove herself to anyone at this point but that doesn't mean I want to stop witnessing what makes her a great vocalist. For example, each and every one of Wang Lee Hom's releases continually respell out what makes the guy so talented. Even the releases that aren't his most powerful. Rainie has been in the industry almost as long as Lee Hom, so she needs to step up her vocal game a bit in my opinion.

   I've come to realize that I like Rainie Yang more as an actress than a singer. Her music isn't awful nor is her acting the best. Despite the contrary, Nothing stops her from wiggling her way into people's hearts somehow.


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