Monday, July 22, 2019

Innocent Defendant(피고인) Korean Drama Thoughts(2017)

    Innocent Defendant is a Korean drama that was released in 2017 and aired for eighteen episodes. The drama was met with very high ratings from the public. Many people praised the script for using new methods to keep each episode thrilling. Veteran actor Ji Sung stars with Uhm Ki Joon, Kwon Yuri, and Oh Chang Suk in the drama. Ji Sung was also praised endlessly for his role along with many of the other costars.

   A prosecutor is falsely accused of the murder of his wife and child one night. His wife was found death in their apartment and their daughter's body went missing. He gets sentenced to the death penalty but he doesn't remember how he ended up killing his family. Before being accused, the prosecutor was on a murder case of a CEO who committed suicide. Only his twin brother knows the details of the case but he tries to hide all the information pertaining to the suicide. The young CEO also takes all that his twin brother once had…. his wife, son, and his father's place at the top of the company. Will the prosecutor and the CEO ignite a battle of survival?

      Innocent Defendant was an interesting watch to me. Opening reactions for me were generally positive. The first episode appeared on the screen commanding my attention before creating promises for even better episodes in the future. This drama keeps charging up for more explosive content from episode to episode. The script writing is more leaning toward to thriller side of the television genre but I could see many opinion opportunities for a romance to be slid in there. There wasn't anything lacking because there wasn't a relationship because the love the main character had for his wife and child was just as strong as any relationship of love that could have been presented. A lot of shocking things happen from the villain stand point. Evil in this drama doesn't quit AT ALL and it gets so frustrating in a good way. Villains that make you wish death upon them are the best villains that make for great television. All the awful events that happen make you thirst for retribution for the villain but this is where the problems I had with Innocent Defendant comes in. The main character stays in jail for most of the drama trying to pick up the pieces of his sanity. You really feel disturbed for him until you get tired on seeing him in the same setting each episode. I guess the script try to feel the time with flashbacks and a good cast of characters. The scenes of the characters working toward finding the truth on the outside keep the story going then the main character digging deep into the truth in Jail sends the story into new territory. I really got tired of seeing him in jail for so many episodes. He could have staid in there for a few episodes but not half the show. I envisioned him escaping sooner using high action until he faces off with the villain of the drama. The script didn't get to the face off quick enough for me. instead the story chose to focus on the mystery of what happened as well as the sub characters which was interesting, just not what I was looking for overall. When we do get to the face off, it felt a bit rushed like the writers knew the drama only had one episode left. Even the ending  came off as used to me… I don't what it was… Everything was forcibly pushed to the conclusion in my opinion. Innocent Defendant was a good drama that could have been a masterpiece had they not relied so heavily on the jail part of the show.

   The performances were A list a hundred percent. Ji Sung was the perfect choice for the lead role. He portrayed an elegant medium of a confident prosecutor and a prison mate who lost the world. I've been watching his drama's over the years and he hasn't lost the talent that made him a big star in Korea. Ki Joon was the film side of the coin as he played a dual role of the twin brothers. Not many actors can become the face of evil. Being face to face with Ki Joon's character was similar to looking evil straight in the face. His performance was two faced. One side of him was polite while the other side was a monster. One brother he plays was serious and emotional and the other brother was more lively. I could see the distinction in both characters which shows he has talent. Oh Chang Suk was an surprising outstanding performance to me too. Innocent Defendant was one of those dramas that had the co stars also bring their best performance to the table. Oh was mysterious as a character who never fits anywhere as far as the stance of who you think he was going to be. I didn't like what his character did in the drama but I liked him as a character for the story. Him on top of the whole cast created a emotional thriller drama that wasn't perfect however they were as close to perfect as you can get.

   I would watch Innocent Defendant again. My opinion might differ from it being the best drama ever(I still think Remember: War of the Son hasn't been topped as one of the best dramas of this generation yet..) but I do think Innocent Defendant is worth watching. At least I didn't quit watching the drama after the first couple of episodes.

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