Friday, December 22, 2017

Wang Lee Hom(王力宏) - A.I.(愛) Album Thoughts(Mandopop)

Track List:
01. 沒有眼淚的世界
02. A.I. 愛
03. 千秋萬代
04. 無聲感情
05. Tonight Forever (feat. TFBOYS)
06. 親愛的
07. 奇遇的起點
08. Why Don't You Just Love Me
09. 聽愛 (動畫電影《豆福傳》主題曲)
10. 緣分一道橋 (feat. 譚維維) (電影《長城》片尾曲)
11. 列王的紛爭 (遊戲《列王的紛爭》主題曲)

   This next singer has been one that made songs for our time. Different points in time highlighted by this singer's music. Being so that through his music you as the listener will never for get the precious times in your life. Wang Lee Hom's music has touched my life in that very way. I started listening to his music in middle school and kept up with his release up till now. He is a singer that come from a different background than other singers in Taiwan at the time. The New York born singer debuted singing songs in a standard New York accent that stunned peers. From that to the rumors of his sexual orientation,(Which isn't anyone's business. Plus he's married now.), to people insulting his craft, Lee Hom has continue to develop his art over the years. What began as "Chinked out" tunes steady turned into Lee becoming one of the best male singers that Taiwan has ever known. A.I. is his newest album after marriage and two children.

   I worried what A.I. could have Lee Hom bringing to the table next. He's constantly pulled out all the stops in the production of his albums. Your Love was an album that made a statement that Lee Hom still had greatness. A.I. defiantly comes as a bit of a more milder album than Your Love. Lee Hom is now a family man and he wants everyone to know it. While the album is more settle, There is strength in the ballads presented. Their production has a lot of creativity that pulls you into the flow of the music. I'm not a fan of all the ballads on the album because some of them feel drawn out to me.  Kinda of in a sense that the music isn't anything new for Lee. He taps into his greatness full force during  ballad tracks that contain pop music with traditional Chinese music added on top of that. He is the expert of getting the best qualities out of these two types of music. Lee also goes for a more dance pop style once again. If Eric Chou is the prince of this style in Taiwan right now, Lee Hom is the older brother that adds more maturity to the sound in tracks such as Why Don't You Just Love Me and A.I.. He made a more mild effort with A.I. but I noticed that all the qualities that make Lee Hom great are still in his music. He still plays the guitar and piano the same way he did in his early twenties. Its just that his lyrics have become more…… old fashioned. I was here for all of it though.

   Wang Lee Hom is known for his vocals about the same as his known for his musical production. This man can SANG(nope, not sing.) when he really gets into himself. You should know I only use SANG when I feel that the singer has powerhouse vocals. Gosh, that vocal quality he has too is one of a kind. He's molded his voice over the years to really be able to sing many kinds of music. I can tell he's had classical training at some point in his life also.

    It took me two listens to figure out what Wang Lee Hom was trying to say with A.I.. My second time listening allowed me to catch a lot in the music that I missed the first time. Lee Hom is getting older. His music changes depending on the events in his life. This goes back to what I was talking about in my intro dealing with life and certain times in that life.

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