Friday, July 8, 2016

The Secret(消失爱人) Chinese Movie Thoughts

  I'm glad that I've started watching Chinese movies again. No, not martial art movies and I love some of those kinds of movies but other types of Chinese movies also need to be promoted internationally. Lets get the ball rolling with Supernatural romance "The Secret".

  Directed by Barbra Wong ChunChun( 黃真真) and starring Lai Ming, Wang Luodan( 王珞丹), as well as costarring singer JJ lin(林俊杰), The Secret(消失爱人) tells the story of a husband who loses his wife in an accident and wishes her ghost back to life. His wife doesn't know that she had died and the husband must keep it from her to stop her from disappearing again. 

  I wonder what parts of Taiwan this movie was shot in because some of the scenes didn't even look like they were in China anymore.(Well, except the scenes where they did leave Taiwan.) Much of the film is shot in a beautiful house that looks like one of those penthouses that a teenage youth would buy just because they are a spoiled brat. Can't say i'm a fan of houses with too many open glass windows up the set up works well for the far away shots. Many times the viewer experiences seeing the husband like your spying on him through a windows. The whole notion is creepy in a way. Sideway shots also make you feel the loneliness the husband felt. The scenes shot in downtown Taiwan shouted the traditional upbringing of Chinese culture and I really loved observe this scene even if it wasn't very long. Scenes outside that contains nature were wonderfully shot with an aura of calm.  All the shots involving the actors and actress were shot to bring out their emotion so the feeling comes across to the people watching. 

  Lai Ming plays a widower husband with believable certainty. He is always on edge and it shows in his actions. You watch him and he makes you feel like the events that are happening to him are real. Its like everything he got back could skip through his hands at any moment. Wang Loudan is similar to a new born baby who know nothing but tries to figure things out. It was hurtful to watch because your not suppose to have everything you desire. Then you get what you  want and it hurts you the most. JJ Lin made me so proud of him. He was every bit of the singer turned actor that I knew he would be. His acting wasn't overbearing in the way that he has this "OH I'M JJ LIN!!!" coming out a hundred percent but It was definitely there. He fit into the movie nicely and didn't hold back the flow of conflict at hand. Some of the best acting in "The Secret" happens during scenes of interaction between loved ones. Every character had some sort of emotional turmoil that drives the plot home. 

  The plot for this film has been done before in many different forms(most notable "Be With You,": a Japanese Movie.) However, this film has it's own differences and the script does the best it can to follow them. There was a point when the film was coming down off of it's high shocker conflict where you would think the film would be ending soon but.... THE FILM KEEPS GOING! My interest peak as i wondered," what else is there to tell??". All the answers to my questions were answered but I was confused at first as the plot went from one place to a competely different place. This helps aid the strong sense of closure contained in "The Secret"'s conclusion. 

   Very great movie overall and I hope this post helped you find a new east asian film to watch!!!


\(^.^)/ Fanspazzmaniac


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