Monday, July 18, 2016

Leo Ieiri(家入レオ)- We Album Thoughts(J-POP)

 These singers love to have easy titles for their albums.... V and now We. Maybe they just want an english title but they don't want something too complicated.......

02.Brand New Tomorrow
05.Party Girl
06.I Wish
08.Hello To The World
10.さよなら Summer Breeze
12.Every Single Day

  Leo Leiri, The Yui for this generation. I feel really old because many people don't remember or never knew Yui but Leiri started working with Yui's old producers when Yui decided to jump ship. I didn't really pay Leiri any attention until her single "Silly" was used in a drama I was watching. From there I checked out a couple of songs and liked what I heard. Now I keep my eye out and when she releases new material, I try to give it a listen. The album "We" was no exception to the rule. 

  This album pretty did much the same thing Ohara Sakurao's album did with getting a little too hyper active and happy with a more pop sound than a pop rock sound. I feel Leo Leiri has a little more of a hold on the music she releases but at the end of the day, she also wants to sell major units. The way to do that is putting out music you feel everyone will like even if if it messes up your own unique artistry. Lets face the facts.  In this life, you can't make everyone happy. There will always be someone who won't like you just because... YOUR READING THIS BLOG POST!!!!! (no, I'm just kidding....) The same principle applies to music. Yes, you might sell more albums if you try to appeal to everyone but will you be happy in the long run doing music that isn't really who you are? Also what about the fans who like the music that represents the real you? Its a really important thing to think about. I didn't like most of the songs in this album. The only songs I like were the singles and a song called "Every Single Day" which is the only song that holds a light to the singles "Hello To The World" and "君がくれた夏". "Hello To The World" is such a bad ass song and I love everything about it! the track tells the listener to never give up using catchy word play, raging electric guitars, and in sync background vocals. "君がくれた夏" is a great cool down song that showcases Leiri's ability to relax her listeners with vocals calm like a ripple that glides so slowly across a pond in the early hours of the morning. This track should have been placed after "Hello To The World" not before it. I almost forgot about this track but "恍惚" isn't a bad track either. The song starts slow with a mid tempo beat and just out of nowhere gets very loud with a whole band backing Leiri up. I love all of that and more. 

  Leo Leiri has a nice voice. Its not anything too out of the ordinary but she's good enough that you will remember her depending on the song you hear. She definitely has the magic of having to make songs that will get stuck in the listener's head down to textbook science. I just wish she would take the intensity that she has in some songs and spread that to all her music. I feel that sometimes she fall short with making albums that could be great all the way through to the end. Not just a few songs here and there. 

   I would say check out Leo Leiri's songs one by one to see if she's for you. Check out this album if you like. You might find something you love that i didn't. Please enjoy. 

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