I honestly didn't realize this girl was even in the legendary girl group Wonder Girls. Maybe that's a good thing so I could judge her music without being biased.... I'm not really biased anyways. She debuted a few years ago as a solo artists with her debut mini album titled "Me?". 1719 is her first album that was met with a good reaction as the album sold out and needed to be reprinted due to high demand.
Track List:
01. Life Sucks
02. 피어싱 (Piercing) (Feat. THAMA)
03. 새 신발 (I Wander) (Feat. 개코)
04. 위로가 돼요 (Pluhmm)
05. 나란 책 (Guitar Ver.)
06. Cigar
07. Make Love
08. Satellite (Feat. ASH ISLAND) *Title Track*
09. Sweet Sensation (Feat. SOLE)
10. Solitude
11. 3분만 (Feat. 최자) (3mins)
12. Bluebird
13. Sky Gray
14. How to love
Let's just be honest right from the start, 1791 wasn't that much of an exciting listen for me. The album has fourteen tracks which turned me off right as I saw it. I thought "Life Sucks" was the title track but Satellite turns out to be after much research. The latter has a indie lazy pop vibe perfect for a cloudy day where you feel down on yourself. It's a good album opener as it sets the tone for 1719. After this, 1917 drowns in similar tracks that smear into each other. One thing I will always to musicians is that you should always try to create tracks that have grand choruses that stand out in a different sound for each track. Otherwise you end up creating an album that has songs sounding just like each other. Stand out songs don't really come on until the middle of the album. After " Make Love's" soulful sensitivity done in a calm matter that pays tribute to many RnB songs before it. Satellite is a light poppy dance song with a bright melody fitting of the title track. Solitude was my favorite track and probably the most stand out track on the whole album. She's really trying to go for different styles, yet her style defiantly connects more to Jazz vocal wise. Bluebird's slight touch in the pop rock territory was a fun listen while Gray Sky has HA:TFELT giving the best vocal tone she's given her whole career. I know I might say this a lot however: 1719 was better as a mini album. Just scrap all the filler tracks that should have been tracks that never made the cut. Life Sucks was the only track in the first half of 1719 worth saving.
She doesn't really sound much different from other female solo Korean singers. I do enjoy the lower register in her voice. Her higher register is pretty too. A lot of female Korean singers have the same vocal quality though. We need more diversity......
I saved you the trouble of skipping most 1719's tracklist. Don't bother trying to listen to the track between Life Sucks and Make Love. You will drown yourself in boring tracks.