Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Love Life(ラブライフ) Japanese Film Thoughts(2022)


   Love Life is a Japanese film released in 2022 by director Koji Fukada and stars Fumino Kimura, Kento Nagayama, with Hirona Yamazaki. The film was met with positive reviews after its debut at many foreign film festivals. Much like Fukada's other films, viewers praised this film for its deep dive into human emotion through loss. 

   A wife is caught between a rock and a hard place after her ex husband comes back into her life just when tragedy strikes her newly formed family. It doesn't help that the cracks in her relationship with her husband and his family also start to show. 

   Love Life is a very very mature like a disfunction after the loss of a loved one. That loss is what really causes the disfunction to show. Even though, some people might try their hardest to hide the cracks, they're still there and will just get bigger over time. All the characters have emotional issues which are shown from the very first scene of awkwardness. You feel so weird that it makes you question what happened. Then, more scenes come that make you kinda cringe and you began to realize that they foundation that this family was built on started out wrong in the first place. Sadly, a child is caught in the crossfire of the disfunction. I guess the two parents come to an understanding that this is some kind of new normal  for them because the film ends with acceptance in a way. What was really enjoyable about this film was the back and forth between what was right or wrong. There really was no real concrete answer. Cheating is wrong, Abandonment is wrong. Breaking up a relationship before it gets to the alter is wrong too. However, if a relationship can survive this much then, you have something fruitful. 

    This film makes some great use of filmography to covey the progression of the story. I loved the slow motion of the plane gliding through the tub of water, or the far off shot of the final scene. Fukada wades in emotional pain from the camera lens.  

    The whole cast is good at crafting what is unsaid in their performances. We get a lot of self control until one character reaches a boiling point. Man... Do these characters have their moments. Sometimes you have to let out how you truly feel. 

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