Monday, July 19, 2021

Gentle Grape(葡萄不憤怒) - My Hopeless Hope(我無可救的執念) Mando-Rock Album Thoughts


 I sadly don't know much information about this band called Gentle Grape.... Their music was on a site where I listen to Mando pop music regularly and I decided to give their music a try. My Hopeless Hope is their newest album but it seems they have other releases. The band also seems to be more on the independent indie side of the Taiwan music industry. You will find a ton of good music from Taiwanese artists that started out by themselves.....

Track List:

   Gentle Grape sounds like the Canadian and American bands that took the music industry by storm in the early to late 2000s. Bands such as Sum 41, Simple Plan, Yellow Card, etc defiantly come to my mind when I listened to My Hopeless Hope for the first time. Their music take infectious melodies that mend the problems of the youth. Maybe even tell what young people go through so older people understand that they once went through the same problems too. The album's defining style is pop punk rock with a bit of ballad influence because of course, this is East Asia we're talking about. They love a good emotional love ballad. This doesn't come at the expense of calling this album a rock album. Inside this sound you will find a lot of different themes that change the band's sound from loud to soft. Acustic guitar gives the vocalist a chance to be raw yet venerable, while tracks where the band plays all out are more headbangers to make you dance. I enjoyed all the tracks even if this isn't a new sound for Taiwan. I do think that they do the style well enough to be rememberable among all the other bands out there.

   Gentle Grape has a vocal that probably would sound good live. I'm not going to lie, a lot of the bands that were out in America during the 2000s had vocalists who didn't sound too good during live performances. Grape's vocalist has different sides to his voice depending on the dynamics of the songs he sings.  Most rock singers like to have a growl to their singing. It gives rock music a certain grit. 

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