Onewe is a South Korean all boyband that has garnered a good sized fandom over the past few years. They may not be as big as other Korean bands from larger music agencies, however these guys continue to come into their own with their Planet Nine compilation series. Isotropy is their newest entry to the series.
I'm going to keep my thoughts completely honest; I've never been super into Onewe's releases. Or, I could say that I would find their music cool for a few days then move on to some other artist. It was never that these guys weren't good. There just so happen to be other boy bands in South Korean that were overpowering them such as the likes of Day6, Xdinary Heroes, The Rose, etc. Also, somehow an overwhelming need for OneWe to be a ballad band was interrupting what could have been something more outstanding. Isotropy still experiments with the idea of being what the South Korean public loves in their roots, while becoming a more bolder version of theirselves in tracks like Shout Out. A stronger edge is in their popper side of the music as well. I'm not mad at their third track titled Meteor Shower as the track slick keyboard interludes glaze a need for sweet pop satisfaction. Now these guys have made a mark that can not be ignored.
The vocal layers in productions are so beautiful on this effort. You as new listeners and fans will be able to tell that Onewe is more confident. I've been playing Meteor Shower to death.