Oyeon is a Korean solo singer in the underground scene. She is a singer songwriter that debuted in 2019. Her talents have not really been recognized yet by the mainstream. However, I feel that she has a spark that could turn into a huge fire for everyone to witness with the right team behind her. Blank is the singer's first mini album after a few single releases.
1. 공백 (blank)
2. 남아 (leave)
3. 끄적 끄적 (doodle)
4. 여름오후 (idon’tknow)
5. Stay with me (2023Ver.)
Blank sounds like a record that was self produced by singer who has big dreams. A lot of the tracks are pop ballad anthems with a bit of soft rock mixed in. These tracks have big intros vocally and they just grow even bigger going into the chorus. The personal feel of her sound place on top of instrumentals that carry her vocals toward the listener is really what stood out to me when I first heard Stay With Me as well as I Don't Know. The title track which is the same as the album; embodies the season of summer with background harmonies. This debut isn't a sleeper album so, I'm glad.
Oyeon has some great vocals. If she were to get with a better known record label, then I think they could really help her perfect her craft. Some of the notes she hits are big ones. Not only that, but she attempts them without fear. Let's hope her music only continues to get better from here.