Jujutsu Kaisen O is a 2021 anime film directed by Sunghoo Park and written by Hiroshi Seko. The film was original suppose to be an ark to the anime for the Jujutsu Kaisen however, the studio MAPPA gained more money for the film. So the studio produced better action sequences. upon release, Kaisen O became the highest grossing film of 2021 in Japan.
A guy cursed by his childhood classmate is sent to a school of curses.... The curse attached to the guy is one of extreme power and other forces want it for themselves.
This film is the anime adaption of the manga. There's a manga adaption that is a pretty much the whole story of the film. Some new scenes were added to the film that I don't really remember. You can read the single volume manga to know the full story before watching the film. It's really a cut and paste situation. What this film has going for it was the beautiful animated fight scenes. Lighting fast movements in animated design takes a hold of most audiences when they watch. I enjoyed the eye candy even though I had read the manga before hand.
No matter if you're a fan of the series or you just like anime in general, Jujutsu Kaisen 0 is a good time. The story isn't hard to follow and the action is top tier. Enjoy everyone!!