Mars Red is a series that started in 2020. The series was a stage play created by Kemuri Karakara and that was adapted into an Manga. A anime was made that same year for thirteen episodes as well.
Set in Japan's history of 1923, a girl waits for her brother to come home from the war. She soon finds out that he has died but could have sworn she saw him one night as she was being attack by a monster(?).
I wasn't sure about how this manga would make me feel. The art was my original reason for picking this up. Somehow, I got drawn in... Not so much because of the story itself but the cast of characters. We get some cool group of guys in this underground army that all have their own personalities and bring a new emotional layer to the story dynamic. Things fall a bit short as far as the overall story. There's a certain pridefulness in the writing that gives a vibe like this is a different vampire story than all the others, when in reality, it's really not. the only thing I really noticed that was different was Japan's historical context added to the story as well as the artificial blood concept. Maybe the anime has another way of telling this story however, I'm not sure i'm interested enough to find out.Volume three is the last volume sadly. Especially when the good twist had to be rushed so that the series could end as quick as possible. The last volume probably was my favorite though.
The art has a sophisticated touch to what we know as normal manga art. I believe this was done on purpose as to add a tone to the time period that the story was set in. Each character has a unique design that's shown through sketch pages in the back of each volume.
Mars Red falls on a middle ground for me. The story isn't amazing or awful. It's kinda of just like a history timeline with Vampire armies and good art. Karakara does try to make you think that you're getting something new at first....... Anyways..... I might check out the anime in the distant future.