Kingdom is a live action Japanese film adaption of the manga of the same name, created originally by Yasuhisa Hara. The film was directed by Shinsuke Sato and rewritten by Tsutomu Kuroiwa. Kent Yamasaki(Death Note, Orange, Your Lie in April) reprises his role after the 2016 short film version of this film, then is joined along with cast members Ryo Yoshizawa, Masami Nagasawa,(Our Little Sister) and Kanna Hashimoto. Kingdom sold over five hundred thousand tickets on the film's time of release only to sell even more over the course of the week, making the film one of the best selling releases from last year. There has also been rave reviews for the film in Japan as well as internationally.
A boy raised as a slave seeks revenge for his adopted brother after he is killed for looking like the king of the domain. He once dreamed of being an army general that now looks impossible. Now he must use the help of the young king to find his brother's killers in a time that China battles against unification.
Kingdom is a film that looks very good next to other live action films such as Rurouni Kenshin and Blade the Immortal. This films follows the same formula that creates a leading hero who goes up against unlikely odds in order to win. There's a lot of heart in this film that was portrayed very well as the film progresses. You never feel that Kingdom doesn't not take itself seriously but a lack of hesitation in providing slap stick laughs adds on to the treat that this film is. An emotional feel also stands strong in the film as you watch the conflict work toward absolution. It's an entertaining ride that makes you love the whole world and the characters. Everything about this film is quite likable. Kingdom might be another one of the best live action adaptions since last year.
Kento gets a lot of hate because of the stereotypes places on him due to that fact that he's the prince of romantic high school films or dramas. I respect that he is constantly trying to break out of the mold many people but him in. He that as L in Death Note: the television drama and he continues to do that in Kingdom. Watching his performance made me feel his rage just looking in his eyes during certain scenes. He's also good at jumping back and forth between making me laugh and making me want to root for his cause. Just because he has a good looking face doesn't mean that the talent to play various roles isn't there. I enjoyed seeing Masami in this warrior kind of role as well. The character is like the whole embodiment of women's rights. She's a strong character that leads her people well. For that, her people follow her filled with unwavering trust. Kanata Hongo popping up in front of me after such a long time was fun too. The character was right up is alley but that evil scowl he has never gets old no matter what weird ass characters he plays. All the actors and actress helped to make this film such a good viewing experience. Even if it was kind of strange that all the characters had Chinese names and the film's set in China while they speak Japanese.
Half of Kingdom was shot in China while the other half was shot in Japan. Guessing which scenes were shot in China was easy because the scenery looks nothing like something you would find in Japan. Big green lush fields, wide rocky desserts, and , man made sets really bring this world alive. Everything is beautifully shot to set the tone for the main character's journey. Nature really is man's best friend.
Kingdom was a very good film that's re-watchable. I would recommend this to anyone who likes Japanese cinema or live action film adaptions. Defiantly put Kingdom on your "to watch" list if you haven't seen it already. No, I don't mean the Netflix Korean drama Kingdom…… [INSERT ME LAUGHING]
P.S.: A year ago I was thinking what the fuck at how Wasted Nights by One Ok Rock was chosen to be the theme song of this film but after watching Kingdom, the song actually fits the film's message perfectly.